Ron, my eyes, heart and brain were opened to a whole new world thanks to Brad, you and your entire team! soon, Sockless! 😎
(Group Two's) Jordy Miller
"Attitude is a decision"
Ron, my eyes, heart and brain were opened to a whole new world thanks to Brad, you and your entire team! soon, Sockless! 😎
(Group Two's) Jordy Miller
"Attitude is a decision"
As we put a cap on Extravaganza 2014, I want to reach out to each of you who joined us here in Montana this year and to thank you for spending as much quality time with us as you did. Most importantly, as you recall with affection the smells, sights and sounds of Montana that you were blessed with, I would like to pass on to you the following wizened words from famed fishing author Thomas McGuane (appropriately, a resident of Sweet Grass County, MT) from his book The Longest Silence—A Life In Fishing—words that you have now taken to heart in your wonderful E-14 support of both the National Wildlife Federation and Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation:
“We have reached the time in the life of the planet, and humanity’s demands upon it, when every fisherman will have to be a riverkeeper, a steward of marine shallows, a watchman on the high seas. We are beyond having to put back what we have taken out. We must put back more than we take out. We must make holy war on the enemies of aquatic life as we have against gillnetters, polluters, and drainers of wetlands. Otherwise, as you have already learned, these creatures will continue to disappear at an accelerating rate. We will lose as much as we have lost already and there will be next to nothing, remnant populations, put-and-take, dim bulbs following the tank truck.”
In your name and stead, and with your continued support, I will continue my work with both of our E-14 supported groups in the hopes that each of our grandchildren, when they attain our ages, will have the same bountiful and unobstructed opportunity before them as each of you had during E-14. United together, along with thousands of other likewise kindred and appreciative souls we will bring to the cause, we will protect and preserve what today’s Montana proudly showed off to you this past month, in response to which your grandchildren in concert with their grandchildren will look back and say, “Thank God that they not only cared but they acted and were not mere ‘dim bulbs following the tank truck’”…to that end, to the best of my ability, I’ll work to keep the light on for y’all!!
Best to all in the concluding scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron
George "Onefer" Choe and his bride with baby-on-board Mira "Twofer" Choe report in après Extravaganza with their new-found Extravaganza spirit in hand:
You and Kathy were terrific hosts and the extravaganza will have a special place forever in our hearts and we both thank you dearly.
Twofer send her regards and thanks you again for letting us stay a couple of extra days at the Blackfoot house, she's now officially all in Montana.
We did connect with some great new people and lifelong friendships were forged on your porch this week.
Thanks again for everything Ron!
Ps is my nickname onefer now? –Yep!!!
Thanks Ron and Kathy,
Edi and I had a great time. I might even be able to get her to fish again sometime. Thank you for the good time, the great food and all the great presents.
Chuck & Edi
Chuck "Hellena" Ballweg
A(nother) nice note from Group One’s Armistead “Mobow” Browning on behalf of the Denver Four:
Ron……..What a great time we all had in MT with you and your wonderful entourage. Everything was perfect from the minute your smile greeted me at the airport. I get many inquiries about the RC logo on all my new clothing and equipment. As you wind down Group 3 l hope you enjoy a well deserved rest. The effort you put into these events is incredible.
Please tell Kathy that her culinary skills were only equaled by our super fishing experience! I truly gained 7 lbs! I enjoyed getting to know both of you.
Again thank you for a wonderful trip.
J. Armistead Tyler Browning CLU
Thanks, E-14 Group Tattoer Greg “Clueless” Livengood!
Hi Ron,
Hopefully the Three's are treating you better than the, "Terrible Two's." I want to thank you for putting on yet another extraordinary extravaganza. Joe, Adam and I had a wonderful time last week, and I always feel renewed and refreshed (and perhaps just a little bit pickled) after spending a few days in your wonderful Montana home. The fishing was great, the natural environment unbeatable, and the guides again fantastic. All made possible by the effort that Kathy and yourself put forth year after year! I found the Grizzly bear conversations to be extremely interesting, and I look forward to hearing future updates on the projects. (See you in Napa!)
Also, the attached photos are of my two little ones, Adriana and Hudson. They are busily preparing themselves for E-35!
Thank you again for a truly remarkable experience.
Best regards,
Greg "Clueless, but teachable!" Livengood