Friday, March 7, 2014

An E-14 NWF Thank You!!

Fellow E-14ers:


As part of our sign-up this year, we all wrote checks to the National Wildlife Federation the proceeds of which are directed towards the sustained and remarkable efforts of Tom France and his stalwart Missoula office staff.  Tom, in his own attached words, thanks each and every one of you for helping him out in his office's mission for preserving the natural beauty and bounty that Montana enjoys and offers to us…for, indeed, as Tom states, "Montana Matters"!!


Bravo, Tom—you are a great friend and masterful custodian of our natural resources…we look forward to fishing with you and your joining us in person during Extravaganza 2014.


Best to all in the earnest preparation for it all,


Rock Creek Ron



p.s.  Decades ago, Tom France leadership and his coordination of NWF's efforts were single-handedly responsible for the reintroduction and resultant repopulation of wolves into the Montana and Yellowstone ecosystems…he be "Da Mon", man!


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